Saturday, September 1, 2012


It was only four short years ago when I first met N. It was love at first sight. Actually, I don't think N even remembers it.

Regardless, we somehow became friends between wrangling our rebellious Girl Scout troop and attending awkward meetings of the vegetarian club. After graduation we faced the frightening prospect of finding an apartment for the first time. Because we are so organized, we immediately began a google doc with our housing requirements and began recruiting roommates.

Some of our original desires included a pet dog, an area to compost, and hot neighbors. We ended up with a pet mouse, a bag of compost in the freezer that we keep forgetting to secretly dump behind a restaurant, and neighbors we have only spied on from behind a cracked door. The jury is still out on their attractiveness.

Despite all this, our lives are amazing. We have started this blog to share our awesomeness with the world. Get ready for adventures in dumpster diving, home decorating, cooking, and themed parties!



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