Tuesday, November 20, 2012


We decided to have a Friendsgiving.  Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday, and what could be better than tons of food AND a ton of friends??  That's right, it was a success.

We invited about 15 people, and since we are amazing hosts, S. and I were soon counting our plates and getting a bit nervous.  As you can see above, we also had to employ some creative furniture in order to seat everyone together.  That is 2 tables, a couch and 14 chairs you see!

The process started with a little bit of cooking.  I made some pumpkin bread (while watching some tv of course) which was decent but I severely undercooked it, so only the first few pieces were edible.  In the future I will definitely not be basing my cooking time for loaves by a few measly muffins.  Beginners mistake.

I also made some baked sweet potatoes, which went nicely with S.'s baked squash!  We might be some sort of hidden orange household.

We opened a few bottles of wine...dug deep into our extensive mug collection, and even had a few freshly made waffles show up on our doorstop!

 Our tabletop was filled to the brim!  Let's see if I can recall it all...homemade bread, pasta with vodka sauce, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, cranberry salsa, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, enchiladas, butternut squash, sweet potato bread, gluten free cupcakes, gingerbread cookies, eggnog waffles, pecan pie, chocolate chip cookies....is that it?  Best I can do.  AND, everything was DELICIOUS!

 S. really liked the pumpkin pie!

At the end of the night we were left with a sink full of dishes!

Party success #2.

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