Monday, February 11, 2013

Blizzard Party!

We were supposed to travel to Quebec this weekend for Winter Carnival, but then the BLIZZARD happened! So sadly no Canada, but we had a good time in the snow! 

DAY 1:
N. and I both get home from work in the afternoon. The line at the grocery store wraps all around the store, but I wait in it to buy marshmallows and ice cream. 
Instead of stocking up on bread, we buy one extra large pizza and a sled. Both would prove valuable in the days to come. 
Thank goodness N. had just bought a giant bag of peanut M&Ms at Costco. 

 C. came over before the snow got too bad. We watched a few movies with our roommate and her boyfriend, then ventured outside!

The streets were deserted except for a few brave JPers. Walking was difficult at times due to the snow drifts and the snow blowing in our eyes. We took the sled to the Sugar Bowl near the pond and did some extreme sledding. On the way back, we found this creepy snowman peering at us through the mist. 

Had to visit the two-backed bench. Also made snow angels and rolled down some hills. Oh, and N. fell into our hedge, prompting our roommate to stick his head out the door and proclaim "N. broke the bush."

We got back and made hot chocolate, s'mores on the stove, and ate ice cream. Then watched more movies. N. realized she lost her keys, but found them later in her room. 

DAY 2:

The snow finally stops and we go outside again! This time no one joins us. We only make it to the field near our house.

We watched even more TV. And began to bake. 

 And eat.

 And crochet sweaters for cats.

When we could take no more, G. arrived! He walked all the way from Somerville (~6 miles) to join the awesome party (No trains were running for almost the whole weekend). We briefly changed out of our sweatpants and went to the bar down the street. A few hours later, Z. drove over and somehow found a spot to park his car. I went home to bed early, but evidently the party continued till the bar closed!

DAY 3:

Woke up and made pancakes for the 8 people now in our house. Ate pancakes. Watched another movie. We helped C. dig his car out so that he could escape the madhouse.
Then the rest of us went to the Arboretum for sledding!

We climbed to the top of Bussey Hill and were impressed by the large number of cross-country skiers and snowshoers! Glen did crazy gymnastics down the hill. We tried to do crazy gymnastics but landed on our heads.
 We climbed a tree!

For the grand finale, we fit all four of us on the sled and went down the steepest slope we could find. No one died. We also went into a "community igloo" that someone had built. Only in JP.
N. realized she lost her phone. She did not find it later, but now she has a fancy new one.

Then we went home and watched Star Wars. A successful blizzard! 

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