Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June Day BBQ

It's that time again...PARTY!

This time the weather was nice so we decided to have a BBQ, vegetarian of course!  The (facebook) invitations were set, the calendars marked and the planning began.  S. really wanted veggie kabobs and I wanted corn.  We also decided to get some veggie burgers and iced tea!  Luckily our boss took us to Costco the week before so we stocked up on Boca Burgers, cheese, contact solution and other necessities.

The day of the party S. and I got started on making the veggie kabobs.

It was a long process but we did manage to throw our porch table down into the yard and V. helped us take the silk out of the corn.

Soon guests were arriving, beer and watermelon in hand.

Right as we were about to try and light the grill D. walked in and, since he is evidently some sort of West Coast BBQ god, took over the cooking.  S. and I played sous chef for a while grabbing foil, matches and spices but all of the cooking was kindly taken over by D. and J.  

Iced tea was drank out of jars and we even made s'mores, treating M. to his FIRST EVER S'MORE in the process.  


After eating most of the group moved towards playing wiffle ball, frisbee or trying to learn to skateboard.

Some of us still have wounds healing from the latter.  Towards the end of the night a guitar emerged and I could feel the JP hipster-ness oozing from our yard.

Party complete!


Six Pack Shuffle I

Since we first heard of the concept of a 6 pack shuffle we have wanted to do one. The idea is everyone gets a six pack, then you think of 6 places to bike to. At each place you drink a beer. You try not to die. 

We left right after work and headed to the Zakim. 

M. and D. met us there. 

After that we went to a park in Cambridge. After which Q. ditched to go home, but we continued on and played on the playground!

 Then went up to the roof of a parking garage. The view was great and biking through the garage was awesome. G. met us up there after much difficulty getting in - evidently they lock the doors around 11.

 I seem to recall we played ninja warrior, then N. tried to crush a can by blowing on it.

Of course we went to New York Pizza.

Then we stopped in one of the Northeastern building to go to the bathroom. Where we took this picture for some reason.

 And found a cart with wheels on it.

And we all made it home alive!

We didn't actually make 6 beer stops, but it was a good first effort! Stay tuned for more.

My Thai Vegan Cafe

 We have always wanted to go to this vegan place in Chinatown and we finally did! It was about a month ago, but blogging is hard to do.

Everything is vegan, and the menu is huge. They have a lot of fake meat stuff, which is not really our thing but I guess it would be good for some people.

We went after work and it was deserted.

G. ordered a giant slice of chocolate cake. The waiter brought 3 forks, as if he were going to share with us. Nope. 

 I got crispy triangles and bubble tea. They were ok, but I wish there were more vegetables inside.

N. got some sort of curried noodles. She says they were good but she doesn't really remember.

The bubble tea was the best part! Not sure if I would go again since most normal Chinese restaurants have enough vegetarian stuff already.