Sunday, April 27, 2014

What we're cooking...Blueberry Sweet Rolls

When you share a kitchen this size with 8 other people, baking can get tricky. This recipe seemed complicated and I was afraid I would screw it up horribly and it would be embarrassing. So I got up super early one morning and tried to bake quietly without waking anyone up so at least no one would see my failure. 

But shockingly, everything went smoothly! The dough came together very nicely. 

No rolling pin? No problem!

Next time I would add more blueberries. I feel like 1 cup was not enough to fill all the rolls completely. 

I let them rise for about 2 hours. The recipe said to cover with foil, but I didn't have any. I briefly considered covering them in a dish towel but I couldn't find a clean one. Then I covered them in a paper towel but took it off because I got paranoid someone would turn on the oven without realizing anything was in there and it would burst into flame.

I also baked them sans foil. They got a bit brown but still delicious! For the glaze I just used a bunch of lemon juice until it tasted right.

Everyone in the house seemed to enjoy them. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy they were. I would even try and use this same base recipe just to make plain yeast rolls.
- S.
Approximately 8 months after S. suggested we make these Blueberry Lemon Rolls I got around to it!  One day I just woke up and it felt right.

I actually used blueberries that S. had picked last year and I'd stolen when we moved out of our old house and stored in a Peaches/Mango bag.  My current roommate was pretty confused.

Normally any yeast-based food I try and cook comes out so-so at best but as S. said these were really easy!  I followed the exact recipe/instructions from Sally (except I didn't have her fancy yeast on hand but it turned out just fine!) and after letting them rise soon had the rolls in the oven!

I would also recommend upping the blueberry amount since a few rolls were light on fruit.  Luckily we have foil so I baked them about half without and half with foil.  I think the color came out quite nice!  And they were very good!  A bit sweet for my taste and next time I'd probably change up the glaze to try and decrease the sweetness but the entire pan was gone in a day.  The dough itself was amazing, the perfect texture and taste, definitely a keeper recipe!  Next up maybe a sweet orange version?


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