Monday, September 17, 2012

Housewarming Party

N survived the ordeal of liquor gathering, and it was time to partyyyy!

We had invited everyone from work (we both work at a bike shop, more on that to come in a later post), and my boss let me out a little early to prepare for the party. When I got home, N was still gone getting her cart-o-liquor. So I made a grilled cheese sandwich and read the paper. Then I showered, threw on my YOLO t-shirt, and grabbed a cider. 

I had made jello shots the night before so I sliced them up when N got back. It was more like a giant pan of jello that I cubed and put in bowls. While we were doing this, the bike shop crew arrived. It was very weird to see my boss in my house. 

We sat on the back porch for a bit, until everyone else arrived. My friends all came in at once, and then things got crazy. N and I originally tried to have a contest to see who could have the most friends come. I think we tied. The hardest part was running around between groups of people, making introductions, and trying to join our different friend groups. The bike crew mostly stayed on the porch, my college friends gathered at the table, and N's peeps stood in the kitchen. 

Our other roommate stayed in the living room and watched sports with his friend. The fourth roommate made a brief appearance then somehow went to bed (she must be deaf). 

We had spent a few hours making the perfect playlist. I forgot to download it to my iPod, so we listened to another random playlist. People liked it, I assume. There was kitchen dancing. 

Despite the notable absence of some lame people (you know who you are), it was a wild success. There was widespread jello consumption, baking and devouring of a giant cookie cake, and N made a punch! No one drank it, but she put it in a tupperware and has been working on finishing it every day since the party. 

Details are foggy, but to my knowledge no one got sick and no one cried. I hear my boss got a bit upset because I kept introducing him as my boss, and not my friend, but he will get over it. I tend to get very excited when all of my friends are together in the same place, since it happens so rarely, so I was a little hyper. I assume N had a great time, but I actually didn't really see her at all during the party. 

The final guest count was about 35 people.  Success!


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