Monday, March 25, 2013

Interview: S.

S. and I decided to interview each other.  Here's what I asked!

Where did your love of pancakes originate?

Who doesn't love pancakes?? It really started though when I was on co-op in Florida, and I was wandering around Epcot one night with some friends and I bought a little cookbook with about 100 pancakes, crepe, and waffle recipes, I think from the Germany pavilion. I kept it for a while without looking at it until I saw the movie Julie & Julia, and decided to do the same with pancakes. Also I was in college and had a lot of free time, and have always aspired to be internet famous. 

If you did travel to Mars what would you do there?

Everything! Hopefully grow plants. Someday there will be giant greenhouses on Mars and it will be sick. Maybe ride a space bicycle? Or invent a space bicycle. Geologize a bit. 

Describe one childhood memory that stands out in your life.

I have a lot of great childhood memories (thanks Mom!) but there is one I was thinking about today. In the winter, tons of ladybugs used to get into our house and they would be all over the windowsills. I used to collect the dead ones and keep them in the lid from a Barrel of Monkeys which I hid in my dollhouse. When I went away to camp one summer, my mom vacuumed them all up and I was sad. 
Now I work with insects for a living, so I guess I started at an early age! I remembered this today as I was biking home on my bike with a ladybug shaped bell, wearing a t-shirt with a butterfly on it and earrings shaped like spiders. 

What is your dream trip?  Unlimited budget and time!

I want to go to northwestern Canada and study wolves like Farley Mowat. Then I would go someplace warm to unfreeze my bones. Probably the south of France where I would get some ponies to ride, and some beehives, and a vineyard. And stay there forever, but vacation at a lake in New Hampshire during the summers. 

If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Wine. JK, I don't want to die. WATER duh. Maybe with a splash of apple cider vinegar for flavor and health. 

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