Saturday, March 9, 2013


We had the idea to do a +1 Potluck party, where everyone is supposed to bring a friend who has never been to our house before. That way we get to meet new people and eat delicious food! 
We didn't think it through though, and ended up having the potluck during spring break and right after a big snowstorm, so a bunch of people unfortunately had to cancel. 
Even so, we had 7 guests, plus me and N.

C. made sushi in the living room. 

We forgot to take a picture of the table but it was full of delights. Potato balls (aka Savoury Squirrel Bakes), pasta, bread, rice with peanut sauce, cookies, and more! Mostly starches.
We succeeded in using up most of the odds and ends from our liquor cabinet, which was accomplished by serving everyone "mystery drinks."

The original idea was to also make it a craft night, but people didn't seem too enthused about crafting. So I set up a friendship bracelet station! Only a few people made them, but I still think it was a brilliant idea.

Z. wore his hat, as he must always do when he enters our house.

After we ate we went outside to enjoy the snow! We went sledding, buried each other in snow, ran around, walked to the pond, practiced tackling each other, built a jump, spun in circles, and somersaulted downhill. It was a fantastic evening.

Then came back and ate more food!

What is happening here?

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