Monday, March 4, 2013

Roomie Night 3/4

N. and I had some grand roomie night plans for this week. Unfortunately, they involved biking around the city and when we got off work it was snowing, windy, and cold.

So like any sane person would do, we cancelled our plans and went to McDonalds instead.
Because it is Shamrock Shake season!!
Warning: If you plan to eat a shamrock shake, take care NOT to look at the calorie count. It will make you sad.
We drank them with joy while listening to the crazy and homeless population of the city yell and get into fights around us.

Then we headed home and got dinner on the way back. I had to resist the lure of New York Pizza (the best pizza ever anywhere). We passed both of the locations on the way home, but I held out until we got to Acapulco.

We had never been before, but we greatly enjoyed the decor. We were cold from biking in the snow, and I considered asking to borrow a mexican hat and a poncho from the wall to wear.

This painting of a bullfight was great.

Up close, the people look like skeletons. 

There were only a few other people there, and only one waiter. And free chips and salsa! We didn't have to wait too long, which was good because we were cold and we had other important things to do that night (aka blogging and watching TV).

I got nachos with refried beans and cheese and N. got a enchilada/tortilla combo. They were both pretty good, but not spectacular. We agreed that they were lacking in flavor. We have the theory that you could order anything off the menu and it would taste pretty much the same, but who knows.

The best part of the meal was when N. whipped out her jar to put the leftovers in.

And then some tupperware to bring the rest of the chips home!


(The waiter was occupied and the other diners didn't notice, so we got no strange looks. A first for us!)

When paying the bill, N. wrote the most beautiful "3" she has ever written. She would not let me take a picture of it.

N: It was a beautiful 3.  And here's Sadie!  We are definitely becoming pro-bloggers.

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